Happy Valentines Day Mama and Daddy!

Happy Valentines Day Mama and Daddy! Hope you have a good day today! I LOVE you! It’s FEBRUARY 14, 2012! The second month of the year! Endearment means a word of phrase showing expressing love or infection! I Adore you! If I had money I would buy you Chocolate!!! 🙂

What I Have To Do Daily

When I was in 4th grade last year I was having a lot of systems of Diabetes and so I went to the doctor with my Mama, Daddy, Sister (I call her Kenz, short for Makenzie) and I. when they checked my blood sugar to see if I had Diabetes my blood sugar was like 235 and that meant that I would have to take shots every day for the rest of my life. My Mama and my Daddy where really, really, really upset, and of course Kenz and I had no idea what Diabetes where so we where just sitting there like what in the world was going on, but my Mama was so upset she couldn’t handle it she had to go outside of the room. I had a good doctor I can’t remember his or her name, but they explained to me about what I had to do for the rest of my life. I was upset when they told me that I had to take two kind of shots everyday for the rest of my life. I really was scared to death. I still have Diabetes and I wish they could find a cure for the disease of Diabetes, they are working on it, but they can’t figure it out. If you know a person that is fighting the fight of Diabetes or has lost the fight from Diabetes pray for them because it’s never going to go away. Hope for Diabetes!