My day so far has been a good and happy day for me, and I have a feeling that today is going to be a wonderful day today. I hope that the Solar System (the sun) will come out today, and I hope it will be a wonderful day like my hypothesis (what I think) will happen I hope everyone out there looking, and reading my blog, will have a great day today and tomorrow, and will have a great and groovy weekend!
New Year’s Resolution!
I’m going to help clean around the house by, cleaning my room more.
I’m going to get at school on time by, waking up eariler.
I’m going to get my grades up by, getting better in math.
The Night Before Christmas!
It was the night before Christmas and all the kids were sleeping. Then their Mom got up to go get a drink and what she heard blew her away. She saw Santa Clause in the front yard, he had fell off the roof of the house! He couldn’t remember anything. Then the Dad of the kids got up and went outside to join the Mother. They both picked him up and brought him inside and when they walked inside the kids were standing at the front door looking outside at there parents. The kids were blown away! The Mother and Father said, “Go back to sleep everything’s alright.” So the kids went back to sleep. The next morning the kids had a load of fun ripping up the surprising presents that Mom and Dad had wrapped and the presents Santa Clause had wrapped. The kid, Mom, and Dad had a great Christmas, and the kids had so much fun playing with their brand new toys that Mom, Dad, and Santa Clause had given them.
Merry Christmas to all of you that read this!
Happy Holidays!!
Santa Clause will come to all of your houses!!
More posts to come!!
Diabetes Research.
Hi, I’m a diabetic and I what to share with you about diabetes. When I found out I had diabetes I almost cried, but I had a good doctor to explain to me what had happened. My pancreas had quit working. Your pancreas is located behind your stomach. It produces insulin, insulin is needed to move your blood sugar into your cells. These are some symptoms of diabetes: Being very thirsty, Feeling hungry, Feeling tired, Having blurry eye-sight, Losing the feeling or feeling tingling in your feet, Losing weight without trying, Going to the bathroom more often. That’s all I wanted to share with you about. Bye!
My Turkey Story
Just as we sat down the turkey EXPLODED!!! Then five minutes later the turkey… THE TURKEYS LEGS POPPED OUT, AND STARTED DOING THE TURKEY DANCE!!! My sister and I had to catch the turkey before my parents got home. Finally we caught the turkey , and when we caught it my parents got home!!! My mom said “MADISON RANKIN WHAT IS GOING ON”??!! “Nothing” I said. Then we cooked another turkey, and my new pet turkey loved his plate of turkey.