I show gratitude to my friends by helping them carry their stuff.
If You Foud A $100 Bill Would You Keep It???
If I found a $100 bill waded up, I would NOT keep it, I would do the right thing, and give it back. What would you do? Don’t convince yourself to keep it! Just think if you had a rusty, old bike, and you got lucky, and found that $100 bill, and you took it, and bought a new decent, shinny bike with that money, just think if that person had a husband and kids, and ONLY had that $100 bill to eat, and get gas, go to work, and take their kids to school! Just think before you take it, be generous, and leave it were it is. Be respectful, so if that person who comes back to get it, they will be really, really happy, so I say YES!!!
I’m so hungry!
Talent Show!!!
I’m so excited for the Talent Show!!!
I’m so excited about Halloween!!! I don’t know what I’m going to be yet!
It would be a bad idea for students to get payed to go to school because, the kids will just want to go to school for the money, and will not want to learn. It’s a bad thing if the students get payed because it’s important for the students to learn about math, and reading, and problem solving, and science, and social studies, and so that the students will have a social life. That ‘s all I have to say about students that they should not be payed to go to school.
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