My Current Events Assignment.

Flight 93 visitor center opens in time for 9/11

My topic for this weeks current event is about 9/11 because I feel as if it is a very important occasion. I found this article at Longview News Journal website.

Basically my article is about the opening of a visitor center for 9/11.   The family members of the victims got a private tour before the center opened. Which I feel as if that was needed because I am certain that it was every touching. Also I bet with it being a private tour, family members felt better because it made them feel like no one will ever forget what happen that day.

I also feel as if this article is very important so that people hear about this and maybe next year, if it stays open, more people will come. This event effects me, even though I didn’t remember it when I was 4 months old, but it effects me now because i will remember it for the rest of my life.  Also even though I don’t know these people personally I feel for these family members of the victims, because they will certainly remember this for the rest of their lives. Hopefully there will never be anything like this day ever again, because I have heard about this day from my friends and family.

This impacts the world because this day will live on forever, and I hope so does this visitor center because I feel as if this could be used as a educational purpose as well. Also I feel that if the world will keep doing things like building these kind of things then we can help this victims family members feel better about this day.