Kilgore man who threatened firefighters gets 10 years.

Kilgore man who threatened firefighters gets 10 years
My topic for this weeks current is about a kilgore man that threatened firefighters.
This story really kind of upsets me because I know some firefighters personally because my dad works with them a lot. I think it is just rude to threaten a person that saves other people’s lives everyday.
This affects me because I know some of the firefighters personally, and this really upsets me because it just amazes me that someone would do that to a person that sacrifices their life for hundreds of people everyday.
This affects the world because these days situations like this are happening everyday, all over the world. This is just saddening to me because I can’t believe someone would do this to someone that risks their live for others everyday.

news writing.

News Writing

Due to the breach in the computer system of Leaguetown High School, several high school teachers have lost files. Including tests and grades. The Leaguetown Police Department started an investigation.

Therefore, because of the breach, the district is installing new security software, and all computers, including student computers, throughout the district or offline for the next three weeks. Due to the inconvenience it has caused many classes to get behind such as the computer science, web design, and journalism classes. This is a great damage due to the journalism classes because of the Yearbooks. The yearbooks have to be given out before the last day of school. Yearbook day is what all of the seniors look forward to.

“It would be weird not to get my friends to sign my book before I go off to college. I certainly will not be able to come back for the signing party in the summer or fall. Yearbook Day is more popular than prom,” said Reggie White.

For twenty-two years, the school has sponsored a “Yearbook Day,” which is essentially a senior yearbook signing party. All seniors are released from class at noon to pick of their books and attend the party at the gym.

current event 10-8-15

EMT training class starts at Longview High School

I got my article from Longview News-Journal.

My article is about Longview High School joining Kilgore College and the Longview Fire Department to create a program that helps students with EMT training.

“The other thing is, it’ll open up other doors for you. You can continue on and become a paramedic, get your college degree and get your license for paramedics,” said Eddie Bernaldez. I also agree with that statement because EMT training can help you with getting a job.

This affects me because I think that this program would be great! Especially if you want to go into the medical field, as I do. This would also be just a great class to take, even if you don’t want to go into the medical field.

This affects the world because I think this would be a great thing for everyone to know how to do. Just in case you are at a restaurant and someone starts having a seizure, you or someone around you will know what to do.

I just feel like EMT training would be a wonderful thing for every school to have, because it teaches students about safety, and that is one thing that we all need to know about.   


Myths and Facts About Tobacco.

It is a fact that nicotine that is found in tobacco produces is very addictive. Heroin and cocaine has been compared to the powerful addictive drug, that is nicotine. Withdraws do come with symptoms such as: nervousness, insomnia, and irritability. Also, something that people do not know is that carbonated drinks, coffee, and alcohol will increase cravings for nicotine. Some people say that smoking is not a drug problem. That is a myth, because smoking is a drug problem. A bad one at that. Tobacco users can also suffer from nicotine poisoning, some of the symptoms are: nausea, diarrhea, and dizziness.
Some people say that only adults smoke cigarettes. That is a myth because that is not true. The average person is usually around thirteen when they begin smoking. Smokeless and spit tobacco, the average person begins at 12-15 years old. Some people didn’t know that most new tobacco users are children, not adults.
There is actually hope that a person can quit smoking. It is definitely not certain that everyone could quit. But some people can. Some people have been told that once you are addicted to smoking or tobacco, that there is no point in trying to quit. That is untrue. When someone quits smoking the your body starts repairing itself. For example, your blood pressure and pulse rates could go back to normal around about just 20 minutes of not smoking. Also, after about 10-15 years of not smoking your risks of all those tobacco diseases that you could get, are reduced greatly.
Some people smoke cigarettes because they think that it will help them lose weight, it won’t. For new smokers and ex-smokers about ⅓ weight gain. When it come to you wanting to lose weight, do not become a smoker. It is safer and smarter to lose weight by eating right and exercising.
Some people hear or think that smoking helps their body relax, but actually, it does not. Nicotine is a stimulant, which speeds up your body. There are plenty of other ways to relax your body, without using cigarettes.

Just please don’t hurt yourself by using tobacco.

Current Event.

More Seek Jobless Aid; Still Near Record Lows.


The topic of my article is about applications for unemployment benefits rising in the U.S.


I got my article source from Longview News Journal.


In my article, it talks about people who are unemployed and could possibly be able to find a job now. If companies keep trusting the U.S economy to keep expanding, that will possibly boost hiring.


I feel that it would be a good thing to keep adding on to companies and to keep expanding so that people can find a job easier. This event affects me for when I get a job in the close near-time future, so that can most likely get the job. Rather than, four to five people competing for one job offer.


This also affects the world because there are a lot of people in this world that can not find a job because they can’t compete against three other people and all four of them get the job.