My 5 Leads for Journalism.

#1 Policy granted open campus lunches that will start October 2. They are also giving students an extra 10 minutes for lunch because of “phenomenal” test scores from the students of Rock Hill High School.

#2 With a growing community, Wal-mart feels that they can handle another Super Wal-mart in Rock Hill. They are creating a petition on October 14 because some members of the community feel as if it’s a bad idea.

#3 There is a student named Napoleon Dynamite that has been testes to be a genius, he is supposed to be a 6th grader this year, but Napoleon and Mr. Fred George, the principle, wants to make to start high school right away because he doesn’t want to “waste time in middle school.”

#4 The survey that Child Abuse Prevention Center in Baltimore took shows that three of four children die everyday from neglect or child abuse. Seventy-nine percent of deaths were children under 5, and more than half of the children were under the age of 1.

#5 The homeowner, Kathy Mahoney, woke up to smoke and flames at 3:30 AM, she had minor burns on her hands and feet, firefighters found her house on fire. The house suffered $76,000 in fire damage from a lighted cigarette on a sofa, the good news is that they got the blazing house in control in about 5 minutes.